Facial Rejuvenation and Gua Sha Therapy Facial acupuncture is an alternative treatment for those who want to rejuvenate their skin the natural way without invasive techniques such as botox. It can slow the signs of ageing, nourish your skin, give a glowing appearance and target troublesome areas. The treatment uses TCM diagnosis to aid in improving the flow of energy and address specific problem areas, resulting in brighter looking skin. Gua Sha improves natural healing by stimulating the skin, muscles and nerve tissue, helping blood circulation and removing tension, promoting the flow of qi and blood. These treatments balance the inside so that it shows on the outside, leading to vibrant skin rejuvenation.
In order to see optimal results, a course of treatments is recommended. Facial Rejuvenation has a cumulative effect, therefore 8 treatments are recommended, twice weekly. Treatment involves:
To discuss treatments further or to ask any specific questions, please get in touch. |